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Kategorie: UFMCC weltweit Discussion Circle (for General Conference)

18. Februar 2025 | 19:00 20:30

Discussion Circles are the main way that you can give feedback on bylaw proposals, motions and other items of business, in a less formal setting, before the General Conference Business Meeting. Anyone involved in MCC can participate in the Discussion Circles. However it is particularly important that Lay Delegates, Clergy and other delegates with vote and/or voice attend at least one Discussion Circle. Items to be discussed will be sent out in a Discussion Pack by the end of the first week of February, prior to the Discussion Circles starting.

The following dates for Discussion circles have been set in consultation with input from Network leaders, MCC staff and others around the world. You can attend any Discussion Circle and you may attend more than one. In fact, participating in a Discussion Circle that targets a different time zone provides an opportunity for you to connect with others in our global community. This site may be helpful to compare time zones - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html. [There will be no translation provided, however all the comments will be translated afterwards into English, Spanish, Portuguese and German].

Link auf Anfrage: pastor@mcc-koeln.de



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